Do your days feel weighed down because you’re constantly fatigued? When you wake up in the morning, are you
already thinking about your plans for when you go to bed? Is your partner always leaving the bedroom because of your
chronic snoring? If these problems sound relevant to you, you may be part of the millions of Americans who currently
suffer from sleep apnea. This serious disorder not only robs you of stable sleep, but it can negatively affect your
overall health! At the Dental Center of Aspen Hill, our team of dentists can create a customized oral appliance that
is proven to control your snoring and reduce the symptoms related to your sleep apnea. Thanks to sleep apnea therapy
in Aspen Hill, MD, both you (and those sleeping near you) can feel refreshed in the morning, never groggy.
Why Choose the Dental Center of Aspen Hill for Sleep Apnea Therapy?
All Patients Receive Fully-Customized Oral Appliances
Stop Your Chronic Snoring with Ease
Replace Your Cumbersome CPAP Machine
How We Can Treat Sleep Apnea
If you have sleep apnea, you may experience momentary lapses in breathing throughout the night as you sleep. In
many cases, this is a result of the tissue in the mouth and throat over-relaxing. This causes them to block the
airway and eventually lead to very loud snoring.
Since this all occurs physically in the throat and mouth, dentists are in a unique position to help. One of the
many oral appliances they can create includes one designed to fit over teeth and shift the jaw forward. This
stops the airway from fully closing, making it easier for you to breathe normally, cease your snoring, and wake
up feeling rejuvenated.