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Invisalign – Aspen Hill, MD

The Discreet & Custom-Tailored Orthodontic Treatment

Do you need to fix orthodontic issues but are hesitant to commit to having metal brackets and wires in your mouth for years at a time? At Dental Center of Aspen Hill, we offer custom-tailored Invisalign clear aligners that act to slowly shift your teeth into their ideal positions, boosting your confidence and improving your oral health. To learn whether you’re a good candidate for this advanced orthodontic treatment, be sure to schedule a consultation by contacting our team today.

Why Choose Dental Center of Aspen Hill For Invisalign? 

  • Experienced Invisalign Providers
  • Putty-Free Digital Impressions
  • Convenient Appointment Hours

How Does Invisalign Work?

a welcome kit for Invisalign in Aspen Hill containing aligners, cleaning crystals, and a folder

Once you decide that Invisalign is the right choice for you, we’ll begin by capturing detailed digital impressions of your mouth to send off to the Invisalign laboratory to craft your aligners. Each set of trays will gently and strategically work to shift your teeth into their ideal alignment while closing gaps and addressing bite problems. In order to achieve optimal results and stay on track with the treatment timeline that we outline for you during your consultation, it’s important to wear your trays for at least 22 hours each day, only taking them out when you eat or clean your teeth. Every six to eight weeks, you’ll visit our office for a quick checkup and so we can provide you with the next set of aligners in your treatment.

Who Can Invisalign Help?

an up-close view of Invisalign trays

Many patients are surprised to learn that Invisalign in Aspen Hill is a versatile orthodontic treatment that can address several different issues that range from mild to moderate in severity. Below, we’ve listed a few indications that Invisalign could be the right choice for you.

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Crowded Teeth

3D graphic of crowded teeth

Using clear aligners, Invisalign will gradually shift crowded teeth to lay flush with each other, eliminating any hard-to-reach crevices that can collect plaque and tartar, leading to the development of cavities and gum disease.

Gaps Between Teeth

3D graphic of gapped teeth

While some patients may embrace the gaps between their teeth, others may find a sense of relief and confidence by closing them using Invisalign aligners. This is also a great way to improve your oral health by making it easier to brush and floss.


3D graphic of overbite

An overbite occurs when the upper teeth protrude too far beyond the lower set, disrupting the natural alignment. While a slight overbite is normal, an excessive gap between the gum lines can cause discomfort in the jaw, uneven tooth wear, and speech impediments. With Invisalign and complementary appliances like elastic bands, our team can adjust your jaw alignment to resolve these issues.


3D graphic of underbite

An underbite is when the lower teeth extend past the upper arch. This may arise from genetic predispositions, traumatic events, or childhood habits like thumb-sucking. If left unaddressed, an underbite can lead to complications such as mouth breathing, persistent bad breath, chewing difficulties, and sleep disturbances. Depending on your unique case, our team can use Invisalign with elastic bands and other attachments to realign your lower jaw.


3D graphic of crossbite

In some cases, teeth can grow misaligned, causing the bottom set to overlap the upper set either in front or in the back. This is known as crossbite and requires corrective measures to prevent further complications. Invisalign can effectively reposition the lower teeth to achieve proper alignment with the upper ones. If the crossbite is linked to jaw development issues, additional treatments may be required in tandem with Invisalign.

Open Bite

3D graphic of open bite

An open bite occurs when the upper and lower teeth fail to make contact upon biting. While less common, this condition can have significant implications for oral and overall health, including enamel erosion, heightened risk of tooth chipping, and speech articulation challenges. By wearing Invisalign aligners, gradual correction of the open bite can be achieved by repositioning the arches of teeth. Over time, this results in an optimal bite pattern and increased self-assurance.

Benefits of Invisalign

a smiling person working on their laptop after Invisalign treatment

Invisalign has several unique benefits to offer patients, making it one of the most popular orthodontic treatments among teens and adults. Some of these advantages include:

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Improved Comfort

Woman smiling while talking to colleague at work

Although traditional braces are reliable, effective, and a tried-and-true orthodontic treatment, the metal brackets and wires can be uncomfortable at times. Thankfully, Invisalign takes a metal-free approach. In fact, the aligners are crafted from high-quality, low-profile plastic that is incredibly smooth. Plus, it’s custom-made to fit the contours of your mouth, which helps prevent soft tissue irritation! Simply put, while some soreness from the movement of your teeth is normal, you won’t have to worry about discomfort outside of that.

Discreet, Clear Trays

Woman smiling while talking on phone and working from home

If you ask the majority of Invisalign patients what made them choose clear aligners, they will say the appearance. After all, the trays are completely see-through and custom-made to fit against your teeth perfectly, which makes them virtually undetectable. In fact, it’s even common for close friends and family members to have a hard time telling when they are on or off!

Better Dental Hygiene

Man smiling in mirror while flossing

Since metal brackets and wires can’t be removed, patients with traditional braces need to adapt their oral hygiene regimen considerably. Oftentimes, this requires special oral hygiene tools as well, including interproximal toothbrushes and pre-threaded floss. The good news is that’s not the case with Invisalign. When you’re ready to brush and floss your teeth, simply remove your aligners and proceed as you usually would!

Quick Follow-Ups

Dentist showing smiling patient reflection

Is your schedule filled with work meetings, dinners with friends, time with family, and the like? If so, you might not want to add another thing to your plate. Fortunately, Invisalign doesn’t require 45+ minute-long appointments every four weeks. Instead, the check-in visits are spaced out to every 6-8 weeks, and they are usually only 15 minutes or so.

Faster Average Treatment Timeline

Woman with white teeth smiling while standing outside

Although patients have unique dental needs and smile goals, they almost always have one thing in common: they want to have a straight smile as quickly as possible. If that’s the case for you, then you’ll be happy to know that the average treatment timeline with Invisalign is only 12-18 months! We’ll also provide you with an estimate at your consultation and share everything we know about how to stay on-track with your plan so you see results as quickly as possible.

Eat All The Foods You Enjoy

Woman smiling while grabbing dish from friend at table

One of the drawbacks of traditional braces is that there are some dietary restrictions. More specifically, patients with metal brackets and wires are encouraged to avoid foods like tortilla chips, hard pretzels, popcorn, and whole apples. If these are some of your favorites, don’t worry – you can eat all of the foods you enjoy with Invisalign since the aligners are removable.

Living with Invisalign Aligners

Woman smiling while working on laptop in office

You may have heard over the years that Invisalign is a discreet and hassle-free treatment, but what is life with clear aligners actually like? This next section is dedicated to answering that very question! Below, you’ll find helpful information on how to meet your wear time, what to keep in mind when it’s time to eat, and more.

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Wearing Your Trays

Dentist placing aligner on patient's top teeth

There’s really one rule: you must wear your aligners for 20-22 hours a day. This is crucial because if you don’t wear your trays, your teeth won’t move. If your teeth don’t move, then you’ll fall off-track with your treatment plan. We encourage patients to use the timer on their phone to make sure that they are meeting this goal each and every day. You can also use the alarm on your phone to help you remember to put them back on right away.

Cleaning Your Aligners

Patient holding up Invisalign clear aligner

Patients with traditional braces often need special oral hygiene products, like an interproximal toothbrush. That’s not the case with Invisalign because you can remove your aligners! When it comes time to complete your dental care regimen, simply take them off, rinse them with clean, cool water, and place them in their designated case before brushing and flossing as usual. In other words, you only need to add one step to your routine: taking your aligners off.

Eating & Drinking

Man smiling while eating healthy lunch at home

If you’ve had traditional braces in the past (or you know someone who has), then you know that there are certain foods that are off-limits, like whole apples, popcorn, tortilla chips, and raw nuts. The good news is that Invisalign won’t impact your diet at all! The only thing we ask is that you do your best to keep your consumption of sugary foods and drinks to a minimum. That way, your teeth and gums stay healthy throughout your teeth-straightening journey.

Losing a Tray

Woman in yellow shirt smiling while talking on phone

The only time having clear aligners is a downside is when you accidentally misplace them. If you find yourself in this situation, try not to panic. We recommend taking a few deep breaths and doing your best to remember the last place you saw them. Then, retrace your steps. In the process, make sure to look in “odd” places, like the trash can and the center console of your car. If you’ve looked and looked but haven’t had any luck, then give us a call.

Routine Check-Ins

Dentist showing patient image on tablet

Periodically throughout your Invisalign treatment, you will come into our office so we can take new scans of your teeth. This allows us to see how your teeth are tracking and, if one or more aren’t moving as anticipated, make any necessary changes to your treatment plan. This is also a great time to ask any questions you have about life with clear aligners!

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

Close up of Invisalign in Aspen Hill with blue background

If you’re curious about the cost of Invisalign in Aspen Hill, you’re in the right place. Because no two cases are the same, we must first review your oral health during a consultation. There are many factors that can contribute to the overall price of your treatment. Read on to learn more about what influences your Invisalign cost as well as how we can make this service affordable.

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Factors that Affect the Cost of Invisalign

Woman with blonde hair holding a clear aligner with focus on aligner

The cost of Invisalign will vary from case to case based on these deciding factors:

  • Do you need to straighten your entire smile, or just one arch? While it’s usually the whole mouth, only getting Invisalign for one arch will typically be less expensive.
  • How complex is your case? Do you have severe crookedness or just small gaps? For example, a single gap in your smile will usually cost less to fix compared to several affected teeth.
  • How long will your treatment take? Longer treatment will require more aligners, increasing the total cost of your Invisalign.

Invisalign VS Smile Direct Club™: Which Costs More?

Man in white t shirt and necklace holding Invisalign

If you’re looking for the quickest fix at the lowest cost, then Smile Direct Club wins every time. It costs as little as $2,000 while Invisalign is priced anywhere from $3,000 to $8,000. That said, you must remember that Smile Direct Club is a “do it yourself” aligner system with little to no supervision throughout the entire process. That means any issues that occur during treatment will go unchecked, leading to potential issues that are more extensive and expensive than the original orthodontics.

On the other hand, we will be with you every step of the way if you choose to get Invisalign. These aligners are completely customized and professionally made. Plus, we can make any needed adjustments along the way to ensure that you enjoy a comfortable and effective treatment. If you’re looking for peace of mind and unmatched results, Invisalign is the best solution!

Does Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?

Woman with brown hair sitting in dental chair smiling while looking at camera

Some dental insurance plans cover orthodontics, but Invisalign is usually left out. This is not always the case, which is why it’s important to check with your provider first. Our friendly front desk team can communicate directly with your dental insurance to ensure that you’re maximizing your benefits. If you have an FSA account, you can use these funds to help cover your treatment cost. 

Options for Making Invisalign Affordable

Man in blue collared shirt smiling with arms crossed

No insurance? No problem! We are committed to making Invisalign in Aspen Hill as affordable as possible. That’s why we have our own in-house membership plan, which allows you to enjoy all the dental care you need, including 15% off additional services for a low monthly fee. We also accept alternative financing through CareCredit. With this solution, simply pick the payment plan that works best for you – it comes with little to no interest. Lastly, we have special offers, including $500 off of Invisalign! If you’re ready to start on an amazingly cost-effective way to straighten your teeth, please don’t hesitate to contact our office today!

Invisalign FAQs

Invisalign in case

Now you know a bit more about Invisalign in Aspen Hill, who is a good fit for this orthodontic treatment, and the numerous benefits the clear aligners come with. If you are ready to schedule your initial consultation, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team. If you would prefer to do a bit more research, however, then we are here to help! Below, you will find the answers to a few of the most frequently asked questions we get from patients.

Does Invisalign Treatment Hurt?

One of the biggest reasons patients hesitate to move forward with Invisalign treatment is because they are fearful of how much it will hurt. If this is what is holding you back from achieving your dream smile, you’ll be happy to know that this discreet orthodontic alternative is considered by many patients to be way more comfortable than metal braces. After all, the clear aligners are custom-made for your unique smile, minimizing discomfort throughout each phase of your treatment. With that being said, it is completely natural to experience some soreness during your smile transformation – that means the trays are working to shift your teeth into their new position!

How Do I Clean My Invisalign Aligners?

For your smile-transformation to remain practically undetectable, it is important to keep your aligners clean. Otherwise, they can become stained and discolored, causing your teeth to look unhealthy. Fortunately, caring for them properly is relatively easy. Just follow the below best practices:

  • Rinse your trays with lukewarm water when you take them out of your mouth and before putting them back in.
  • Clean your aligners each night with an Invisalign-friendly cleaner.
  • Don’t eat or drink with your trays in (with the exception of water).
  • Keep your aligners in a clean, sturdy case when you aren’t wearing them.
  • Brush and floss consistently to keep your teeth and gums clean.

Will Invisalign Affect My Speech?

A common concern potential patients have is whether their speech will be affected by their treatment with Invisalign. The answer? Possibly. However, many patients don’t experience any difficulty enunciating properly from the start. Those that do typically adjust within a few days. Plus, you can speed up the process by reading aloud and practicing the difficult words repeatedly. Simply put, you shouldn’t let this stop you from achieving your smile goals with Invisalign.

What If I Accidentally Break or Misplace My Invisalign Trays?

For Invisalign to effectively guide your teeth into their new and improved position, you must wear your aligners for 22 hours a day. If your trays are accidentally misplaced or break altogether, then your treatment plan can significantly be delayed. To prevent that from happening, get in touch with our team right away. From there, we can discuss the next best steps to get you back on track.

What Does Invisalign Look Like?

Invisalign in Aspen Hill is the preferred orthodontic system for teens and adults because it's nearly invisible. Your aligners will be made from transparent plastic. Although you can see your aligners while holding them in your hand, they are virtually undetectable when placed over your teeth. They can maintain a discrete appearance with the correct care, like using non-abrasive dental products and taking them out when eating or drinking anything except water. If you need buttons or attachments, they won't be clear, but they will be less noticeable than metal brackets or wires.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

The average treatment with Invisalign takes about 12 months, but many factors affect the duration. Your dentist in Aspen Hill will explain how long you can expect your treatment to take during your consultation. Many things can influence your timeline, like the complexity of tooth movements needed. Major bite and alignment issues will require more aligners to treat. Your age can also affect your timeline. Teens experience quicker tooth movements because they are still growing and developing. No matter your age, you can ensure there aren't any delays in your journey to a straight smile by wearing your aligners for at least 22 hours per day and switching to the next set in your series every 1 to 2 weeks, as instructed by your dentist. Don't forget to maintain your checkup appointments, so we can monitor your treatment's progression.

Can I Get Invisalign On Just the Top?

It's entirely possible to get Invisalign on just your top teeth, but most dental professionals won't recommend it. Moving a single row of teeth can affect your bite. If your upper and lower teeth don't rest in harmony, it can lead to uneven enamel erosion, dental damage, jaw pain, and even tooth loss. Most patients require orthodontic treatment on both the top and bottom teeth. In rare cases, single-arch treatment is possible.

Can I Use My Dental Insurance for Invisalign?

If your dental insurance includes orthodontics, you can use your benefits to lower the amount you'll pay. Your insurance may cover your consultation, diagnostic imaging, and any preparatory procedures. After meeting your annual deductible, your benefits can pay a set amount for your treatment, which can range from $500 to $2,000. We will work on your behalf with your dental insurance to maximize any benefits, so you have one less thing on your plate. A member of our team will explain how your coverage is being used and your payment options for any remaining balance. Besides traditional payment methods, we also accept third-party financing. You can pay any out-of-pocket expenses using monthly installments with little or no interest in financing.