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Dental Center of Aspen Hill Blog

Why Cosmetic Dentistry Isn’t Just for Celebrities

February 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — aspenhill @ 8:14 pm
person speaking with cosmetic dentist about treatment options

When you’re watching your favorite TV show, music video, or movie, you likely notice how lovely celebrity smiles look. From bright, white smiles to perfectly uniform teeth, there are a variety of things that make up a beautiful beam. Though you might think they’re born looking that way, even celebrities get some extra help from cosmetic dentistry. Fortunately, these treatments are more accessible than you might think. Continue reading to learn more about why cosmetic dentistry isn’t just for the rich and famous and what treatments are available.


4 Cosmetic Dentistry Myths You Shouldn’t Pay Any Mind

January 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — aspenhill @ 2:49 pm
a street sign that says facts vs myths

Are you struggling with one or several dental flaws that negatively affect how you feel about your smile? If so, you may be considering undergoing cosmetic dentistry to improve your teeth. While you may be excited about the benefits of these services, various misconceptions about them might make you think twice about committing to any treatments. Keep reading to the learn truth about four common cosmetic dentistry myths.


Is Cosmetic Dentistry Safe for Your Smile?

December 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — aspenhill @ 11:40 am
A woman wondering, “Is cosmetic dentistry safe in Aspen Hill?”

Even if you want cosmetic dental work, you might be afraid it’ll damage your teeth. After all, what’s the point of treatment if it brightens your smile but weakens your pearly whites? As such, you may ask yourself, “Is cosmetic dentistry safe in Aspen Hill?” Still, you needn’t fear — the field is perfectly safe for your teeth, gums, and the rest of your mouth! To prove it, your local dentist is here with the evidence. Read on to learn why cosmetic dental treatments are genuinely safe for your smile.


How Long Will My Cosmetic Dental Treatment Last?

November 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — aspenhill @ 5:07 pm
a woman smiling about cosmetic dentistry in Aspen Hill

If you’re unhappy with your smile, you don’t have to settle for one you aren’t proud of. One of the best ways to address dental flaws is cosmetic dentistry. From brightening the shade of your teeth to concealing chips or cracks in them, you’ll be able to achieve the dream look you’ve always wanted. However, you may be wondering: how long does cosmetic dentistry last? Read on to learn about several treatment options and the amount of time you can expect to enjoy them!


Flaw Fix: 4 Cosmetic Flaws & How to Fix Them

October 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — aspenhill @ 9:56 pm
woman covering her smile

A small act of kindness can make a world of difference. Flashing a genuine smile at others adds joy to their day, and maybe it’s needed more than you know. But you don’t always feel confident in your smile and have been thinking about taking steps to fix the flaw that’s bothering you. Your cosmetic dentist can help you discover your options for achieving a smile you’ll love. Here’s a closer look at four of the most common types of cosmetic flaws and how to treat them.


Tips to Support Your Smile for National Dental Hygiene Month

October 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — aspenhill @ 3:57 am

People may be thinking about Halloween when October rolls around, but that’s only at the end of the month. Meanwhile, every day in October is part of National Dental Hygiene Month! When you have a plan, good oral hygiene doesn’t take that much effort and it makes an enormous difference in the long-term outlook of your smile. You may know brushing and flossing inside and out, but there’s more to it. Keep reading to learn some simple-yet-effective oral hygiene tips in Aspen Hill!  


4 Must-Know Tips for Avoiding a Dental Emergency

May 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — aspenhill @ 6:00 am
Man suffering from toothache

Dental emergencies are never a pleasant experience. They’re painful, interrupt your schedule, and can require involved treatment — they’re best avoided if possible. On the other hand, people don’t always know what keeps them at bay. Just how do you avoid a dental emergency?

Your local dentists at Aspen Hill can help. Read the four tips listed below so you won’t have to spend time at the emergency dentist’s office!


How Healthy Gums Can Lead to a Healthier Heart

February 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — aspenhill @ 7:00 pm
woman holding a red love heart

Since heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, people are naturally trying to take better care of their hearts as they grow older. This phenomenon has become so widespread that February has become officially known as American Heart Month. While it’s no secret that a nutritious diet and regular exercise can benefit your heart, oral health is also a key component of a healthy heart. Specifically, preventing gum disease in Aspen Hill may reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications. Keep reading to learn how!

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